Your telephony has a vital and a productive function to carry out for your business. Careful selection is a must.
Your telephony has a vital and a productive function to carry out for your business. Careful selection is a must.
The starting point is your telephony challenge. As consultants and engineers, we will get to the bottom of your challenge quickly but using rigour in our analysis.
We do not sell a finite group of telephony services. We keep our eyes open and procure what is right for you. We install the solution and support you throughout its life and beyond.
Read about some the services that v4b provides:
Quality 3CX Telephony
As champions of telephony for business, we want you to experience the highest quality in telephony your budget can buy.
We want you to be fully satisfied with your v4b purchase and on-going support. We want you to feel that your business is stronger as a result.
To ensure we do this, we review continuously and rigorously new releases of telephony software and hardware.
V4B devotes over twenty per cent of our time to this – a mix of product trials, attending trade launches and exhibitions and conducting research.
When we deliver our recommendations to you, they will be informed by the latest product information.
Similarly, we appreciate the importance of through-life support in instilling the benefits of great telephony. We are business people. Consequently, we follow a set of v4b support principles to make every client engagement efficient, effective and human.